Quentin Tarantino’s 10 Rules For Success

Quentin Tarantino’s 10 Rules For Success

What made QT one of this generation’s most prolific filmmakers? It’s not just blood and violence. Listen to Quentin talk about his 10 Rules for Success.

Quentin Tarantino’s 10 Rules For Success

1) Move from comfort to discomfort

2) Stand out from the competition

3) Appeal to your best market

4) Make bold commitments

5) Never work alone. Collaborate.

6) Your experience is your education.

7) Never sell out on your vision.

8) Innovate your product offering

9) Find a meditative practice.

10) Engage with people emotionally

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READ MORE: https://dangordonenterprise.com/videos/george-lucas-discusses-the-dark-and-light-sides-of-the-force/


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