The Tools to Win EVERY Argument

The tools to win EVERY argument
The tools to win EVERY argument

The Tools to Win EVERY Argument

Arguments can be the most challenging conversations to navigate. Trying to win an argument can feel like being lost in a country where no one speaks English. 

No matter what you say, it feels like you can’t get through to the other person. 

It’s not only in arguments where this happens. Maybe you want to be more influential, close an important sale or just be effective in a friendly debate. 

If your argument is falling on deaf ears, it means you’re not using the tools of persuasion. Once you learn these tools, you’ll find it easier to conquer a conversation.

There are three essential tools of effective persuasion.

They are Emotion, Logic, and Credibility. In the science of language, they are referred to as Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. Let’s break them down.

Argument Tool #1: Emotion

Emotion (or Pathos) is the strategy of using language to appeal to people’s feelings.

You see politicians do this all the time. They attach their agendas to emotionally charged issues like protecting children. Bringing child safety into the conversation moves people emotionally to get on board when they otherwise might not.

By using language that evokes strong emotions like sympathy, anger, frustration, fear, or humor, you can persuade people in ways that other words never would.

Argument Tool #2: Logic

Next is Logic (or Logos). Here you appeal to people’s sense of reason by using facts and statistics to support your ideas. This logical aspect of your argument should include findings from notable authorities, not just your own beliefs.

For example, if trying to persuade someone that higher education isn’t valuable, you might note that people like Steve Jobs or Harry Truman never completed a university education. 

You also might want to offer specific figures on the cost of college VS the starting salary of graduates and non-graduates. Showing this type of research can make the other person question their position and weaken their argument.

Argument Tool #3: Credibility

Finally, is your personal Credibility (or Ethos). To win an argument, you have to show that you have authority on the subject. While you can use professional or academic credentials as credibility, people are often more persuaded if your life experience explicitly fits your argument.

In the example above regarding higher education, a great mic-drop moment would be to reveal that your great success, fame, and fortune were won without any higher education at all but purely via life experience.

When you reveal yourself as a physical representation of the position you are defending, it’s impossible for the person on the other side of the argument to deny this truth.

Dominating your next conversation.

All the great orators, from Brené Brown to Tony Robbins, spent years perfecting their use of these tools to dominate conversations powerfully. If you want to be more influential in arguments, sales conversations, or even friendly debates, you must also practice the tools of Emotion, Logic, and Credibility.

If you want to start winning every argument, let me help! CLICK HERE to book a no-catch, no-cost, 15-minute consultation. Let me show you how easy it can be to begin.

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